

INFERNO is a webcomic created by Hal Thomasin Coolatta. It revolves around four main characters: Jack, Fritjov, Sterling, and Donovan, and their "adventures" on Pakao, the planet often called "Hell." Jack and Fritjov play detectives underneath the ruler, tasked with tracking down criminals. Later they come across more morally grey foes, and are forced to make choices. The primary themes of this webcomic are self-growth, the confrontation of one's past, and family.

Main Characters

Minor Characters


Name: Jack Brighton
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Species: World-Builder
Height: 5'4"

Background and Personality
Jack is a typically gentle adult male, whose physical age appears to be early to mid twenties. From first appearances, he is ditzy and eccentric; however, at heart he is kind. Jack suffers from several mental illnesses, which is shown multiple times. He is unafraid to die, and his original cause of death that led to him living on Pakao is currently unknown. He is close with Fritjov, Donovan, and Sterling, and sees them as part of his own family. He does not have a partner.


Name: Fritjov Jacinto-Cortez Brighton
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Species: God
Height: 6'0"

Background and Personality
Fritjov, nicknamed Fry, is a calm, placid adult male, whose physical appearance is mid to late twenties. He is a generally easygoing man who goes with the flow, and doesn't care what others think of him. His cause of death is unknown, but it is revealed that he is in fact the god of Time itself, known to the other gods as the Thief of Time. He is openly very close with Jack, Donovan, and Sterling, often reffering to them as his family, and putting them before himself. During the events of INFERNO he does not have a partner, but after the events of Guilty Innocence, he and Felix become partners.


Name: Donovan Uisa Brighton
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Species: Monster
Height: 4'10"

Background and Personality
Donovan is a laid-back female. Her primary role throughout the events of INFERNO is the healer who tends to the others when they get injured, an event that happens often. Outside of that, her job is to take care of the criminals caught by Jack and Fritjov. Her past is a darker one, as she was born and raised on Pakao, and became a scientist studying under an unnamed doctor at a young age. She later joined Jack and Fritjov due to necessity, and the fact that the two of them killed her last boss. She does see Fritjov, Sterling, and Jack as brothers to her, even if she is exasperated by them most of the time. She has a partner that is mentioned throughout the show, and is seen a few times. This mystery partner is never named.


Name: Sterling Brighton
Age: 6
Gender: Unknown
Sexuality: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Species: Artificial Monster
Height: 6'5" (Human), Fluctuates (Monster)

Background and Personality
Sterling is an artificial "human" created in a laboratory by Donovan. They have two appearances, one in which they appear to be a human male lacking any eyes, standing at about 7 feet tall with dark hair and a muscular build, and the other in which they are a lizard-esque creature that can change shape. They are docile for the most part, unless threatened or seeing family members in danger. They see Donovan, Fritjov, and Jack as siblings to them, and has said so multiple times. They do not have a partner, and will not be getting one.


Name: Cain
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Unknown
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Species: Demon
Height: 5'10"

Background and Personality
Cain is a demon with the appearance of an adult male in early to mid twenties. He is generally out of control, and is extremely powerful. His cause of death is unknown, but there are references to a love that rejected him shortly before his arrival in Utah. His delusions are often dangerous, leading to him keeping Elijah hostage for over two years. He controls the dead cultists found inside the hotel in which he resides.


Name: Lorenzo
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Asexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Species: Demon
Height: 5'6"

Background and Personality
Lorenzo is a demon with the appearance of a young male in late teens. His cause of death is by drowning, as that is what gave him the ability to control water and ice. He is not necessarily dangerous, but is easily provoked, and can be deadly. He is haunted by what he calls an "angel" that takes the form of his ex-lover, who caused his death. Lorenzo suffers from depression, an evident fact discovered during his arc.


Name: Alison
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Species: Demon
Height: 5'8"

Background and Personality
Alison is a demon that takes on the form of a teenage girl. Her cause of death is unknown, but is heavily implied to be murder. She is a incubus of sorts, getting men to listen to her and then killing them herself. She is not dangerous to Jack and Fritjov, and is easily disarmed and immobilized by them.


Name: Miginia
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Species: Demon
Height: 5'2"

Background and Personality
Miginia is a demon that takes on the form of a young teenager. Their cause of death is unknown, but is implied to be suicide. They are nervous, prefering to hide instead of fighting. Their attacks are mainly based on defense, and use the slime that makes up most of their body. They are the easiest for Fritjov and Jack to handle, requiring next to no effort to immobilize.


Name: Elijah David Guseju
Age: 24
Sexuality: Aromantic/Asexual
Ethnicity: Asian(Korean)
Species: Human
Height: 5'0"

Background and Personality
Elijah is a human male of Korean descent. He lives in the small Vermont town where Cain "resides" and used to give tours before being held hostage by the demon. He is generally nervous, and is quick to give away the location of others to Cain in order to confirm his own safety. His background revolves around him growing up in a heavily religious background, his mother raising him the same way she was("She was raised in the bible belt, and acted as if she never left"). This leads to an obviously strained relationship between the two, and mentions of his older brother leaving due to his mother's treatment is mentioned. He does not have a relationship with his father, due to him leaving when he and his brother were very young. Following the arc in which he is finally freed, he leaves the state to move in with his brother (NOTE: This is post-canon and is not shown within the events of INFERNO).


Name: Lilith
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ethnicity: Unknown
Species: Demon
Height: 4'11"

Background and Personality
Lilith is a demon with the appearance of a woman in her late twenties. She resides as queen of Pakao, and is the "boss" of Jack and co., giving them their tasks directly. She is not brought up often, and her appearances are mainly at the club she runs as a hobby. She also plays a prominent role in Guilty Innocence, where she is brought up more often.

General Inspirations

Arc-Specific Inspirations

Alison ARC: Tomie

Lorenzo ARC: Marble Hornets, Evangelion

Cain ARC: Outlast 2, FAITH, Creepypasta